In 2013 WFDF established a Rules Accreditation process to allow players to demonstrate that they have read the Rules of Ultimate. For EYUCup the EUF Youth Committee has established the following rules accreditation requirements:
– Standard Accreditation: All team members on the roster must have at least a Standard Accreditation.
– Advanced Accreditation:  A minimum of 3 players per team must have the Advanced Accreditation, one of whom must be the team captain.

During the player registration each player will be asked to insert his/her WFDF User ID Number, the certification level and the date of issue of the ceriticate. Without this information, the player will not be able to register and so to attend the event.

How to do the accreditation

Go to and do the quiz or if you have already done the accreditation look for your  WFDF user ID number, certification level and the date of issue in Accreditation Registry. The WFDF User ID Number is provided to all players who attempt the quiz. Note that the certificate expire after 18 months and the accredtitation based on the 2013 rules will be invalid after 1st April 2017.

Things to know about the quiz

The format of both levels of accreditation is an open book quiz that is based on the WFDF Rules of Ultimate 2017. The quiz is designed to allow players to demonstrate that they have read the Rules of Ultimate. Players are strongly encouraged to refer to the WFDF Rules of Ultimate 2017, and all supporting documentation, when attempting the quiz. The WFDF Rules of Ultimate can be found on
– A minimum score of 8/10 must be achieved to become rules accredited.
– Accreditation is valid for 18 months.

Important note

Rules accredited players have the same responsibilities on the field as every other player. It does not release a captain from the responsibility to ensure his/her team upholds the Spirit of the Game. Having rules accreditation does not replace the requirement for each player to learn and apply the rules and play with good spirit.


The EUF Youth Committee will use the WFDF Accreditation Registry to verify that each team
has met their accreditation requirements. The EUF Representative will be responsible for discussing any noncompliance with the relevant teams and assisting the teams to meet their requirements. Any team that has not met the accreditation requirements will not be able to participate in the tournament until the requirements are met.